FYSA Oxford
Academic Requirements
All students in the FYSA program are required to take 3 credit hours during the Global @ Home experience.
These 3 credit hours are:
– APPH 1040: Scientific Foundations of Health (2 credits): This course satisfies the Georgia Tech Wellness requirement.
– GT 1000: First-Year Seminar (1 credit): This course provides information about both preparation for the abroad program and about Georgia Tech in general and includes important skills such as resume building and class schedule coordination.
All students in the FYSA @ Oxford Program are required to take 12 credit hours during the Fall abroad portion of the program. Since the program is split into two sections – Oxford and Around Europe – each course is condensed into 6-week accelerated curriculum.
During their time in Oxford, students are required to take 2 courses. No courses may be dropped, as students must take at least 12 credit hours in the program.
These are the options:
– ENGL 1101 or 1102: Composition I or II (3 credits): Students who have prior credit for 1101 through AP, IB, or Dual Enrollment will take 1102. Students who anticipate dual enrollment credit for 1102 must speak with the FYSA program manager and academic advisor. Both 1101 and 1102 are required under Core Area A: Essential Skills and are typically taken within the first year.
– MATH 1550: Introduction to Differential Calculus (3 credits) or MATH 1711: Finite Mathematics (4 credits): Core requirement under Core Area D: Science, Math, and Tech.
– CS 1301: Intro to Computing (3 credits, online, async) or CS 1371: Computing for Engineers (3 credits, online, async): Core requirement under Core Area B: Institutional Options.
– HTS 1031: Europe Since the Renaissance (3 credits): Satisfies the International Requirement under Core Area E: Social Sciences
Course selection will be done in consultation with the student’s major academic advisor to ensure the appropriate courses are taken. College of Design students must speak with their academic advisor prior to determining if they can attend FYSA.
New students can access their core and major requirements through their Degree Works page or the Georgia Tech Core Requirements page. Major requirements can be found on respective major websites.
Special Note: Most FYSA@Oxford courses proceed on an accelerated, six-week schedule. Students should expect rigorous engagement with course materials, and they are encouraged to consult with their advisors to determine overall preparedness. Additionally, some courses may have requirements after the Around Europe–portion concludes, until the end of the Fall term.
During the Around Europe portion, students are required to take the following 2 classes:
– CP 4010: Foundations of Urban and Regional Development (3 credits): Satisfies an Elective under Core Area E: Social Sciences.
– ID 2242: Art History II (3 credits): Satisfies a Humanities Elective under Core Area C: Humanities.
Special Note: Most FYSA@Oxford courses proceed on an accelerated, six-week schedule. Students should expect rigorous engagement with course materials, and they are encouraged to consult with their advisors to determine overall preparedness. Additionally, some courses may have requirements after the Around Europe–portion concludes, until the end of the Fall term.
Spring Course schedules will be formed with help from Academic Advising based on classes taken in the summer and fall semesters. FYSA has no Spring course requirements.